League Of Legends Editorial


Hi all,

as I found out from my GameSpot newsletter, GameSpot is hosting a League Of Legends ‘Holiday-Parade’. There are lots of different activities like the ‘Learn To Play – Scrubs Edition’, where this newbie named Synthia Weirs starts playing LoL and live streams all of it.  There’s also stuff like Champion Battles, Game Days and Trivia Challenges. What I will be doing here are the ‘Writing Challenges’, which pretty much means I must write in my blog about different LoL topics. From the 10th to the 16th I must write an editorial about the game. I can pretty much put ANYTHING in it, as long as it has something to do with my opinion of LoL. So, here it goes:

The Beginning

I at first got introduced to LoL by some kids on the internet. I played a round with them, and, to be honest, I didn’t know where up and down was. It looked both extremely lame and like to much was going on at the same time. Also I had issues with the abbilities. I could use them, but only by clicking on them on-screen, which is a pain in the ass if a teemo is chasing you and you have to use a slow. After that first game I came to this conclusion: What the hell did I just play?

Never the less on the next day, after getting bored of playing minecraft, I decided to go for attempt number 2. It was a bit better than the game I played the day before, but still I wasn’t exactly good at it. But then, after the game had ended, I got the strange sensation that I actualy wanted to play another game, probably because of the great satisfaction it gives you when you get a kill. This is how it continued going on for the next 2 or three days. Then I finaly started to get the hang of it.

The Casual Gamer

At this point I was ‘normal’. I wasn’t a pro and I didn’t know about the important things like jungling, potions or buying stuff in the in-game shop. Now, before I continue I must mention that this indead sounds very much like ‘noob’ instead of ‘normal’, but then again, nowerdays I can barely play a match without one of these guys being in my team, so it sort of is ‘normal’.  I started buying champs in this stage, mostly the cheap ones, like Nunu or Ashe. I also discovered that LoL is funner if you play it with more people over skype or team speak 3. Sadly I wasn’t able to win many games back then.

Considered Good

Here I found out what jungling is and how to succesfuly do it. I found out what buffs do and I started buying stuff. Back here were my first experiences with being fed. I was realy good with champs like Shaco, Kata, Master Yi and Gangplank.


This is where I consider myself to be at the moment. I haven’t quite reached level 30 yet, but it’s not like you have to be level 30 to be good. It might be so that when I start playing ranked everyone kills me and then I just stand there and think ‘da fuq?’. It might also come to the conclusion that I kill everyone and turn out to be the biggest freaking pro ever. I don’t know yet. But what I know for sure is that I am doing very well in the games that I play. There are only a couple of things that I don’t know. First of all I SUCK at making builds. It’s a fact. I posted my builds on forums and lots of people wrote stuff like ‘I do like 10 dmg!!!’, or ‘You forgot the boots!!!’. Then there’s also the thing that I can’t use runes and masteries. I guess most of you are laughing at that, but it’s true. If possible can somone please write in the comments how the heck they work? Thx.

So that’s pretty much my story of LoL. The next LoL post should come out some time between the 17th and the 24th of october.

Oh yeah, and if you want to play some LoL with me add me: EssenseOfGaming